New Electoral Roll

Boring paperwork – but it is important that you read this!

New Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll is a list of all the members of this church who are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The Electoral Roll has no other function. It holds only name and address, plus an indicator of those resident within the parish boundary. We are required to display the current Roll within the church building (ours is in the Open Corner).

Under the Church Representation Rules a new Electoral Roll must be prepared every six years. The last completely new Roll, in each parish, was in the spring of 2019 and ours has been updated each year since then. This year, I must remove the old Roll and prepare a completely new one.

If you wish to have your name entered on the new Roll you need to ‘apply for enrolment’, which means you fill out a form.

You are eligible to apply if:

• You are baptised

• You are aged 16 or over

• Either - you live within the parish boundary.

Or - you live outside the parish boundary and have ‘habitually attended’ this church for at least 6 months.

The parish of St Mary Kippington roughly covers the area bounded by Oakhill Road to the east, Oak Lane to the south, Brittens Lane to the west, and London Road to the north. If you live outside this area you are classed as ‘non-resident’ and must fulfil the attendance requirement.

You must be on the Electoral Roll if :

• You are a member of the PCC, or you wish to stand for election

• You are a Sidesperson, or are willing to become one

• You wish to attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which will be on Sunday 4th May this year.

However, it is no longer necessary to be on the Electoral Roll if you wish to get married at this church.

To comply with the rules, I must receive all applications no later than SUNDAY 27th APRIL.

If you miss this deadline you cannot have your name added to the Roll until after the Annual Meeting.Forms are now available in church and will be throughout February, March & April. It will help me enormously if you do not leave this until the last minute! You can return the forms in any of the following ways:

  1. Put the completed form in the ‘A’ pigeon hole in church

  2. Put in into my post box at home, 14 Kippington Road

  3. Email it to me at

If you wish to download the electoral role form, please visit the following website:

Zoe Anderson (tel. 01732 779649)

Church Electoral Roll Officer